Starting from Adi Asmawan’s concern about the high plastic waste in Indonesia, he then established a zero waste bulk store called Saruga Pack Free Store located in Bintaro Jaya, Sector 1, South Jakarta, located next to Superindo supermarket. Just like other eco-friendly stores, Saruga Pack-Free Store also doesn’t provide plastic bags to put your groceries. If you want to shop here, make sure to bring your own container.
As a zero waste bulk store, the Saruga Pack-Free Store sells daily needs in bulk, therefore shopping here is more efficient than in a supermarket. Here you can buy spices with the amount you need. You can buy only a few grams of spices, so there will no spices are wasted. After choosing what you want to buy, the shopkeeper will weigh them and calculate the price per gram.
In addition to providing foodstuff, Saruga also offers health care products made of natural ingredients, such as shampoo, soap, aroma therapy, and many more. Here you can also buy eco-friendly item, such as stainless steel straw that can be used to reduce the use of plastic straws.