Transpark Apartemen Bintaro
6 Jalan Professor Doktor Satrio, Kecamatan Pondok Aren, Banten 15220

Transpark Bintaro dibangun diatas lahan seluas 1,7 hektare dengan total gross area seluas 130.000 meter persegi, Transpark Bintaro akan melingkupi dua tower apartemen, satu tower Small Office Home Office atau SOHO dan juga tempat perbelanjaan Transmart serta wahana permainan Trans Studio.

PT. Trans Property once again strengthens its position as a great developer with another remarkable project entitled Transpark. Outstanding The superblock project will integrate the apartment complex perfectly, a first class, world-class amusement park and star hotel to give a great life to the people and surrounding areas and more importantly, to progress Indonesia as a whole.